
Home Safety Tips

April 2, 2024

Ensuring the safety of your home is paramount for the well-being of your family and the protection of your property. From fire hazards to burglary risks, there are numerous aspects to consider when it comes to safeguarding your home.

Fire Safety

Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are the first line of defense against fire emergencies. Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and inside each sleeping area. Test them monthly and replace batteries at least once a year to ensure they function properly. Additionally, consider interconnected smoke alarms for increased safety, where one alarm triggers all alarms to sound in case of emergency.

Fire Extinguishers

Having fire extinguishers readily accessible in your home can help contain small fires before they escalate. Place them in key areas such as the kitchen, garage, and near fireplaces. Familiarize yourself with the proper operation of extinguishers and ensure they are regularly inspected and maintained.

Escape Plan

Developing a fire escape plan is crucial for every household. Identify two ways out of each room and establish a designated meeting point outside. Practice the escape plan with your family regularly, especially if you have young children or elderly family members, to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of a fire emergency.

Electrical Safety

Overloading Circuits

Avoid overloading electrical circuits by plugging too many appliances into a single outlet. Distribute electrical loads evenly and use surge protectors to safeguard sensitive devices from power surges. If you frequently experience tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses, it may indicate an overloaded circuit and require professional inspection.

Power Strip Usage

While power strips can be convenient for managing multiple electronic devices, they should not be used as a permanent solution for increasing outlet capacity. Avoid daisy-chaining power strips or plugging high-wattage appliances into them, as this can lead to overheating and fire hazards. Instead, consider installing additional outlets where needed by a qualified electrician.

Outlet Safety

Inspect outlets regularly for signs of damage or wear, such as loose-fitting plugs or discolored outlets. Replace any damaged outlets immediately to prevent electrical shocks or fires. Consider installing tamper-resistant outlets, especially in homes with young children, to prevent accidental insertion of foreign objects.

Burglary Prevention

Secure Entry Points

Ensure all doors and windows are equipped with sturdy locks and consider reinforcing them with additional security measures such as deadbolts and window bars. Keep entry points well-lit and trim back bushes or hedges that could provide cover for intruders. Consider installing security cameras or motion sensor lights for added protection.

Home Security System

Investing in a comprehensive home security system can provide peace of mind and deter potential burglars. Choose a system that includes features such as motion detectors, door and window sensors, and 24/7 monitoring. Display signs or stickers indicating the presence of a security system to further discourage intruders.


Proper lighting around your home can help deter burglars by eliminating hiding spots and making it easier to detect suspicious activity. Install motion sensor lights near entry points, pathways, and dark corners of your property. Consider using timers to control indoor lights when you’re away from home to create the illusion of occupancy.

Child Safety


Childproof your home by installing safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs, securing heavy furniture to the wall to prevent tipping, and covering sharp corners with padding. Keep small objects, choking hazards, and poisonous substances out of reach, and use safety covers on electrical outlets to prevent accidental shocks.

Safe Storage

Store household cleaners, medications, and other potentially harmful substances in locked cabinets or high shelves out of reach of children. Keep all firearms securely locked away and unloaded, with ammunition stored separately. Educate children about the dangers of handling firearms and the importance of seeking adult supervision.


Never leave young children unsupervised, especially near water sources such as pools, bathtubs, or buckets. Keep a close eye on children when they’re playing outdoors and teach them about potential hazards such as busy streets or unfamiliar animals. Establish clear rules and boundaries for safe behavior and consistently enforce them.

Poison Prevention

Proper Storage of Hazardous Substances

Store household chemicals, including cleaning products, pesticides, and automotive fluids, in their original containers with child-resistant caps. Keep them locked away in a designated storage area, ideally in a high cabinet or on a high shelf out of reach of children and pets.


Clearly label all hazardous substances with their contents and appropriate safety warnings. Make sure everyone in the household knows how to read and understand these labels, including children old enough to recognize potential dangers. Consider using color-coded labels or symbols for easy identification.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of a poisoning emergency, contact your local poison control center or emergency medical services immediately. Keep emergency phone numbers, including poison control, posted near the phone or saved in your mobile device. Be prepared to provide information about the substance ingested and follow any instructions given by medical professionals.

Stay Safe!

Implementing these home safety tips can help mitigate risks and protect your loved ones and property from potential hazards. Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and prioritize safety in every aspect of your home life. Remember, a safe home is a happy home.

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🔍 Don’t underestimate the power of planning and strategizing in real estate! They might just be the secret ingredients to your success.

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Let me know how I can help! 📲
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Everything you ever wanted to know about PMI! 😉

So, what exactly is PMI? Well, it’s like a safety net for lenders, swooping in to save the day if a borrower takes an unexpected detour on their mortgage journey. In simple terms, it’s insurance that covers the lender’s back if you, the borrower, can’t keep up with your mortgage payments. Pretty nifty, huh?

Now, why does PMI exist? Picture this: you’ve found your dream home, but your down payment is a bit on the lean side. That’s where PMI struts onto the scene, giving lenders the confidence boost they need to say, “Hey, we got you covered!” It’s all about breaking down barriers and making homeownership more accessible, even if your down payment isn’t breaking the bank.

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Now, let’s talk perks and pitfalls. On the bright side, PMI opens doors to homeownership with a lower down payment requirement, making those homeownership dreams feel a bit more within reach. But, alas, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’s that extra cost to consider, plus the coverage isn’t unlimited—it’s like having a trusty umbrella, but for your mortgage.

Understanding PMI is like decoding the secret language of mortgages—it’s a crucial piece of the puzzle when you’re navigating the homeownership maze. And hey, if you’re feeling a bit lost, I’m here to be your guide! 🏡

Have questions about PMI? Let me help! I`m always available to answer questions or connect you with the best lenders to talk about your options. Follow me here @robbinsrealtygroup for real estate news, education and the occasional entertaining real estate story. 💚

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Fail to plan, plan to fail. Turns out this is true in real estate as well.

Having a solid strategy in real estate is crucial for your success.

Need advice? Reach out to me. I’d love to help set you up for success!

DM me anytime!
Follow me @robbinsrealtygroup for the latest real estate news, tips, and sometimes an entertaining real estate story. 😅🤪🫣😵‍💫

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I hate heights but I still summit mountains and rock climb. 🧗‍♀️🪨

BUT I do have to breathe through it and it’s not easy but I still do it!! 😮‍💨😅

I also am terrified of rattlesnakes and avoid being near them if I can help it! 🐍

You won’t find me becoming a rattlesnake tamer to overcome THAT fear! 😰

So I’d like to know, what is it that you do to push through your fears?

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Be sure to follow me @robbinsrealtygroup where I share local events, all the insider details in the Portland metro area, and all things real estate news and education.

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